Byte Productions LLC

Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your account with Byte Productions, you must submit a request to us here, clearly stating your name, contact information, and the URL to be cancelled. Cancellation requests must be submitted by an authorized contact for your account.

Cancellations are effective at the end of the calendar month that your request for cancellation is received. You are responsible for all regular service charges incurred prior to the effective termination date.

If your account is prepaid quarterly or annually, and you cancel before completion of your billing period, then the amount of your refund will be prorated as of the end of the calendar month that your request for cancellation is received. The amount of your refund will be calculated by multiplying the number of service months provided, times the normal monthly rate for the service, plus any outstanding service charges, and deducting the resulting amount from the amount you have already paid.

Payments made by credit card will be refunded by crediting the credit card account. Payments made by check, cash, money order, or bank transfer will be refunded by check.

This cancellation policy applies to standard hosting services only. Some services are offered only under contract. In these cases, the policies described on this page do not apply, and you should refer to your contract terms for cancellation information.

Byte Productions reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your account or use of any Byte Productions’ service if your payment is not timely received, or if you have acted inconsistently with the terms of service.

Copyright  2025  Byte Productions L.L.C.